Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala are officially married. Nagarjuna took to social media to share the first pictures from their traditional South Indian wedding festivities. The wedding took place at Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad and the venue holds cultural significance for couple. As Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala’s wedding pics are out, Akkineni family shares official statement expressing happiness.
Akkineni shares official statement after Naga Chaitanya-Sobhita wedding
In the statement, the family expressed happiness as they welcome The Night Manager actress. Nagarjuna shared, “This wedding is a deeply meaningful moment for our family. Having Chay and Sobhita start their journey at Annapurna Studios, surrounded by the love of family and friends, fills my heart with immense pride and gratitude. It is a celebration of love, tradition, and togetherness that reflects the values my father stood for-family, respect, and unity. Seeing them begin this beautiful chapter is a moment of great joy for all of us, and we feel truly blessed to witness it.”
The Akkineni family announced the marriage of Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala
The Akkineni family announced the marriage of Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala
The wedding reflected Telugu culture and went on till 1 a.m. “The ceremony continues with rituals until 1 AM, offering a vibrant and heartfelt display of Telugu wedding traditions. Chanting of Vedic hymns and sacred rituals under the guidance of elders highlight the richness of Telugu culture.”
About Chaitanya-Sobhita wedding outfit
Talking about the big day, the couple looked resplendent in traditional yet elegant attires. “For the lagnam, the bride graced the occasion in a luxurious antique gold saree with real gold zari, epitomizing the elegance of a traditional pattu cheera. The groom complemented her perfectly with the madhuparkham attire, a special traditional white pancha featuring a bold red border, adding a touch of sophistication to the ceremony, both reflecting their deep connection to their Telugu roots. The attire is thoughtfully chosen to highlight the bride’s natural elegance and complement the richness of the ceremony’s cultural essence.”
Talking about their love story, the couple started dating in 2022 and remained tight lipped about it. They made their relationship official in August this year.