Nani’s upcoming film, Tuck Jagadish has got a release date. The movie will stream on Amazon Prime Video from September 10. Nani today announced the release date on Twitter with a promo of Tuck Jagadish. It will release on the occasion of Vinayaka Chavithi. Tuck Jagadish is a commercial entertainer that is directed by Shiva Nirvana. Apart from Nani, the movie also stars Ritu Varma and Aishwarya Rajesh in lead roles. Also, the movie features Jagapathi Babu, Nassar and Rohini.
Sharing the promo, Nani tweeted in Telugu that is translated as, “With our family for the festival – Love #Tuck Jagadish (sic).”
Watch the promo here.
పండగ కి మన Family తో…
మీ#TuckJagadish— Nani (@NameisNani) August 27, 2021
On August 26, Nani teased his fans about the release date of his Telugu film Tuck Jagadish. It was earlier slated to hit the theatres on April 16. But due to the Covid-19 second wave, it was postponed and the makers decided to release it on OTT.
Recently, Nani shared an emotional post where he said that he has left the decision of Tuck Jagadish’s release plans to the producers. Later, Shine Screens, the production house confirmed that the film will not have a theatrical release.
His statement read, “With the unpredictable conditions here and abroad and the unfortunate restrictions on theatres in Andhra, it has become a conflict of many ways. I have the utmost respect for the producers and I believe any call regarding the film they make, should be theirs. Leaving the decision about Tuck Jagadish to shine screens and all stake holders and will humbly accept their final decision (sic).”
Love always.#TuckJagadish
— Nani (@NameisNani) August 18, 2021
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Also Read: Nani announces his next production Meet Cute; deets inside