A little while ago you must have seen the trailer of the Tamil film Theeni. Now, we have the Telugu version of the movie titled Ninnila Ninnila which is also set to release alongside Theeni. Ninnila Ninnila, starring Ashok Selvan, Ritu Varma and Nithya Menen’s is a romcom, and from the looks of it, it looks like it’s all about love, food, and some little bit of muscle spasms.
The concept seems symbolic as it seems to say that love and food, both are great when it’s perfect, but even then they might end up giving some little bit of muscle spasms here and there. Have a look at the trailer of Ninnila Ninnila right here:
Directed and written by Ani. I. V. Sasi, Ninnila Ninnila is a story of Dev (Ashok), Nithya (Maya) and Tara (Ritu). The film seems to be about what happens when the path of these three people cross each other in their respective lives. Ninnila Ninnila also features Nasser and Sathya in prominent roles.
The pairing in the movie is definitely unlikely and quite fresh. While you have Ashok as a chef who suffers from muscles spasms, you have Ritu, who is also a chef, in the same restaurant and how they end up growing feelings for each other. At the same time, you see Ritu has an OCD and Ashok is a hefty yet pretty genius chef. Their pairing is indeed unique. Nithya is a happy-go-lucky girl with the mind of a child. What will happen when these three strikingly different characters end up having their paths intertwined in life? Well, you’ll have to watch the movie to find that out.
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Also Read: Theeni Trailer: Ashok Selvan, Ritu Varma and Nithya Menen’s rom com looks refreshing
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