Varun Dhawan and Parineeti Chopra will be sharing screen space in Rohit Dhawan‘s upcoming action dhamaka Dishoom albeit for an item number. Recently, the two came together and unveiled the peppy number called ‘Jaaneman Aah’. The onscreen chemistry shared by the two actors is truly worth a watch. But now it has come to our ears that Pari will not only be seen in the item song but also have a special appearance in the film.
This pleasant surprise was revealed by Varun Dhawan as he said, “Parineeti has a cameo in the film and she completes the love angle for my character Junaid in the film. We always wanted to have her on board but we thought she will never do it. But the song was always a part of the script.”
He further elaborated on how he approached Parineeti, “We just met one day and I told her I have something for you but you won’t do it. She told me ‘How do you know I will say no even before asking me?’ Then I told her about this and she said yes.”
Parineeti added, “It was more like this proposal which I had to say yes to. I wanted to flaunt my body and what better than a platform like this. There were body shots and I think I did a great job. I worked on my body for over a year and half, so I obviously needed a good stage to show it.”
So get set to see some more of the sizzling chemistry shared by Varun and Parineeti in ‘Dishoom’ that also stars John Abraham and Jacqueline Shroff. The Sajid Nadiadwala production will be releasing on July 29, 2016.