Priyanka Chopra’s chirpy actress cousin Parineeti Chopra is going places with her new avatar. The ‘Ishaqzaade’ beauty who was time and again body shamed for being healthy, decided to give it back to her critics once and for all. Did she manage to do so? Well, all we can say is check out her latest outings, be it for an award function or a photo shoot, the actress will blow your mind with her sizzling new look.
Now, the latest buzz in Bollywood is that Parineeti has been signed for an item number in Varun Dhawan’s upcoming action dhamaka ‘Dishoom’. The actress who is currently prepping for her role in ‘Meri Pyari Bindu’ will be wooed by the latest Bollywood heartthrob Varun Dhawan in the masala number.
The makers of the film revealed the reason behind their plans of adding the item number. They feel that as the movie is an all out action dhamaka they needed to balance it out. For this exciting sequence a lavish set is being constructed in Mumbai for two days.
A Rohit Dhawan directorial ‘Dishoom’ also stars John Abraham and Jacqueline Fernandez in the lead roles.
Also Read: B-Town wishes ‘crazy Dishoom year’ to Varun Dhawan on his Birthday
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