Bollywood beauty Rani Mukerji was recently spotted in London with a friend. Mrs. Aditya Chopra, who has disappeared from the filmy scene ever since the birth of her daughter Adira, looked glowing in the picture. Fans of the beauty were ecstatic to see Rani but sorely missed the presence of her daughter.
Rani Mukerji had tied the knot with Aditya Chopra the head honcho of Yash Raj Films on April 2014 in Italy. The couple were blessed with a baby girl on December 9, 2015. They named her Adira. Rani and Aditya are rarely seen making any public appearances but a few months back were seen in Paris with team ‘Befikre’.
Some days back fans had spotted her at Mumbai airport and now a friend posted a picture of herself and Rani posing for a selfie at Harrods on Instagram. She has captioned it with these words “#funtimes#london#harrods #chilling#bonding#oldestbestestfriends had a fabulous time”.
Rani Mukerji’s fans are quite eager to see her pose with her little bundle of joy for a phoot. Now it remains to be seen if the beauty will oblige.
Also Read: Is Aditya Chopra giving fake collections of Salman Khan starrer ‘Sultan’?