Priyanka Chopra fish braid

Actress Priyanka Chopra speaks about matter close to her heart, that is about Woman Empowerment.According to Priyanka”,Today Indian women are standing at a very critical juncture,to promote awareness regarding women. Cinema is a powerful medium.

As the industry is celebrating 100 years of cinema its the right time to understand the role of women in cinema.Honestly, I can talk best on Hindi cinema and the part it has played and when I take a moment to reflect—women have always been pivotal to cinema. For example… what good would Dilip Kumar’s love be, if he wasn’t pining for the hauntingly beautiful Madhubala? You would have never understood Amitabh Bachchan’s angst if he weren’t separated from his beloved Ma!
Though we continue to live in a male-dominated society, we now have women-centric films like Fashion and the more recent Kahaani that have done well both critically and commercially. I have been part of a ‘hero’ based film like Barfi and yet, both the characters of Jhilmil and Shruti were an integral part of the script.


Today, women are also making their presence felt across editing, script writing and direction, and even helming production in the industry. while we’re pushing the boundaries of the stereotypes we’ve been subjected to, the question is have we achieved the ultimate goal of equality, both in reel and real life? Well, we haven’t and we have a long way to go. We are still grappling with basic gender issues.

However, as this is a moment of celebration, we need to concentrate on the positives and to learn from our successes, celebrate our victories and support our torch bearers. When you read this in 2023, women would have rewritten the script of this business!