Actor Allu Arjun visited KIMS Hospital, Hyderabad to meet Sri Teja. This 8-year-old boy was seriously injured during a tragic stampede at the Sandhya Theatre. This incident occurred during the premiere of Arjun’s latest film, Pushpa 2: The Rule. Arjun was seen entering the hospital wearing a green sweater and black pants, accompanied by his team.
Allu Arjun visits hospital to meet Sandhya theatre stampede victim
The visit came after a series of unfortunate events surrounding the film’s premiere on December 4, 2024. A stampede led to the death of a woman named Revathi and left her son, Sri Teja, critically injured. Following the incident, a case was registered against Arjun, his security team, and the theatre management. Further, this led to Allu Arjun’s arrest on December 13, however, he was granted bail shortly after.
BREAKING: Allu Arjun finally visits Pushpa 2⃣ Sandhya theatre stampede victim Sri Tej at KIMS Hospital.🏥
— Manobala Vijayabalan (@ManobalaV) January 7, 2025
During his hospital visit, Arjun expressed his concern for Sri Teja. He had shown signs of recovery after being unresponsive for 20 days. The boy’s father, Bhaskar, thanked Arjun for his support, noting that the child had begun to respond. The actor had previously stated his desire to meet the boy and his family. But was advised against it due to ongoing legal proceedings.
VIDEO | Hyderabad: Actor Allu Arjun arrives at KIMS Hospital to meet Sritej, who was injured in Sandhya theater stampede incident.
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) January 7, 2025
(Full video available on PTI Videos –
In anticipation of Arjun’s visit, security at the hospital was heightened. The Ramgopalpet Police Station had issued a notice advising Arjun to keep his visit confidential to maintain public order. Despite the challenges, Arjun’s visit was a significant gesture of support for the injured child and his family during this difficult time.