Telugu superstar Vijay Deverakonda dropped the first look of his upcoming production, Pushpaka Vimanam. Written and directed by Damodara, Pushpaka Vimanam stars Vijay’s brother Anand Deverakonda. The Arjun Reddy actor will be presenting this dark comedy.
Vijay took to his social media handles to share the first look of his brother’s film. Heaping praises on his brother Anand for his choice of stories, Vijay also said that he is happy to be presenting the former’s film.
Unveiling the first poster of Pushpaka Vimanam, the Liger actor took to his Twitter handle and wrote, “Presenting the first look of #PushpakaVimanam! Younger boy continues to find talent and pick interesting stuff.. very happy to be associated with this film as Presenter! A dark comedy, some thrills and lots of laughs coming your way! (sic).”
Presenting the first look of #PushpakaVimanam!
Younger boy continues to find talent and pick interesting stuff.. very happy to be associated with this film as Presenter!
A dark comedy, some thrills and lots of laughs coming your way! 😄🤗
— Vijay Deverakonda (@TheDeverakonda) March 1, 2021
Retweeting Vijay’s post, Anand wrote, “#PushpakaVimanam has officially taken off. Lost of laughs, drama and thrills guaranteed!”
Pushpaka Vimanam will mark the directorial debut of Damodara. Apart from Anand, the film also stars Sanvi Megha and Geeta Saayini, Sunil, Naresh.
Apparently, the films revolve around middle-class weddings. While the film has gone on the floors, the makers of this dark comedy are yet to announce its release date. The film is bankrolled by Govardhan Rao Deverakonda, Vijay Dashi and Pradeep Errabelli in association with Tanga Productions.
Also Read: Sara Ali Khan shares her fangirl moment with Liger actor Vijay Deverakonda
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PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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