After veteran actor Nana Patekar was accused of sexual harassment by actress Tanushree Dutta, we are now seeing the #MeToo movement taking place in Bollywood too. Recently, filmmaker Vikas Bahl and singer Kailash Kher were under the line of fire when women recounted their stories of sexual misbehaviour by these prominent celebs. And now, ‘Kapoor and Sons’ actor Rajat Kapoor has been accused of sexual harassment by three women.
Journalist Sandhya Menon has taken to her social media account and posted screenshots of the messages she had received from two women. A US-based actor-model has accused Kapoor of harassing her by calling her incessantly after the two spoke briefly during a professional meeting.
Check out Sandhya Menon’s tweet here:
I don’t even know any more.
Filmmaker Rajat Kapoor
Two separate and different accounts
— Sandhya Menon (@TheRestlessQuil) October 7, 2018
The first is a journalist who stated that during a telephonic interview with Rajat Kapoor in 2007, he misbehaved and made her uncomfortable by asking, ‘Are you as sexy as you sound?’ He also inquired about her body measurements.
The second woman narrated the incident where the actor-turned-filmmaker constantly called her from his actor friend Saurabh Shukla’s phone and told her he wanted to shoot a film with her at an empty house. The woman claimed Shukla was in the know of Kapoor’s misconduct and both the men were “probably preying on young women together”
Kapoor took to his social media handle and issued an apology on Twitter late night on 7 October.
He wrote, “All my life I have tried to be a decent man, to do the right thing. If however, I have slipped and through my actions or words caused pain or hurt or trauma to absolutely anybody, please accept my apology.”
Check out his apology here:
I am sorry from the bottom of my heart- and sad that I was the cause of this hurt
to another human being.If there is one thing more important to me than even my work,
it is to be a good human being.
And I have tried to be that person.
And now, I will try harder.— Rajat Kapoor (@mrrajatkapoor) October 7, 2018
Seems like Bollywood is finally ready to open up on this taboo topic that was earlier spoken about only behind closed doors.
Also Read: Nana Patekar cancels press conference meant to address Tanushree’s allegations