Actor Rajkummar Rao, whose mother breathed her last on March 11, has penned an emotional tribute to her, saying “I’ll meet you again on the other side”.
Rajkummar, Bollywood’s critically acclaimed actor, wrote on his Facebook page on Saturday: “You are the best mother in this whole world. Thank you for being my mom, my strength, my inspiration and my pride. Thank you for always being there.
“Thank you for teaching me everything in life and for always supporting me in everything. I could have been nothing without you and your blessings. I am a proud son. I love you immensely and I’ll meet you again on the other side Maa.”
The ‘Aligarh’ actor’s mother was reportedly unwell for a while and succumbed to a heart attack. Rajkummar was said to have been busy shooting his next film ‘Newton’ in Chandigarh when he received the news of his mother’s death.
Inputs from IANS
Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.
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