SS Rajamouli’s RRR has indeed turned out to not just be an Indian film but a global phenomenon. The film originally released about seven months ago in March, but the hype and buzz around it hasn’t mellowed down since. And it’s not just the Indian market that has seen the film roar as it has received tremendous acclaim globally, even from international celebrities. Amidst this, the Ram Charan and Jr NTR-starrer recently had its release in Japan, for which the director and his actors flew down to the country for its promotions, and the love that they have been receiving there is overwhelming.
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Ram Charan and Jr NTR have been accompanied by their spouses as well in Japan and amidst all the promotions that they have been doing for the film there, recently, the actors hit the roads there and created an iconic video. In the video, Ram and his wife Upasana Kamineni and NTR and his wife Lakshmi Pranathi are seen crossing the famous Shibuya Crossing of Tokyo Drift in style hand in hand. They are also accompanied by SS Rajamouli’s son and AD SS Karthikeya with his wife and producer Sunny Gunnam with his spouse. They all look ultra chic together, with roses in their hands and posting the video, Ram wrote, “Together forever (sic)”.
Check out the video here:
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With the film getting so much love, even Ram and NTR have become global sensations. Yesterday, a video of Ram getting overwhelming love from his fans in Japan went viral on social media. As for the film, after not being sent by the Indian jury as the country’s official entry at Oscars 2023, the film has now been submitted individually in the general categories including Best Picture, Director, Actor, Original Song and many more.
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Also Read: Jr NTR gets a roaring response as he meets with fans in Japan ahead of RRR screening