Telugu superstar Ram Charan and his gorgeous wife Upasana Kamineni have been married for nine years. The couple has set major couple goals for fans by sharing adorable pictures and videos from their Hyderabad home and foreign trips. Recently the power couple were spotted having much fun at Upasana’s sister’s wedding, Upasana’s sister Anushpala Kamineni has tied the knot with Armaan Ebrahim recently. Videos and pictures from the wedding have created a buzz on social media. Now a video of Ram Charan dancing to Punjabi beats has set the internet on fire.
A video of Ram Charan and Upasana grooving to Punjabi beats at the wedding went viral. The couple is seen grooving to Sachet and Parampara Tandon’s music.
Watch the viral video shared by Viral Bhayani on Instagram here:
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Upasana also shared some pictures from the wedding on Instagram and wrote, “Truly a very very special day in my life. Sooo much gratitude. Thank you for ur warm wishes & blessings for my darling sister @anushpala & @armaanebrahim I’m overwhelmed with your love (sic).”
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On the work front, Ram Charan is waiting for the release of his upcoming film RRR. Today the makers have unveiled the much-awaited trailer of the film and it is viral on the internet. The action-packed trailer of the Rajamouli directorial has left fans eager to watch the movie. RRR starring Jr NTR, Ram Charan, Ajay Devgn, Alia Bhatt and others is all set to hit the big screens on Jan 7, 2022.
Also Read: RRR trailer OUT: Ram Charan, Jr NTR, Alia Bhatt, Ajay Devgn starrer looks magnificent