Ranbir Kapoor young heartthrob from Bollywood’s famous Kapoor family, has managed to play a number of diverse roles in his short span of career-be it a free-spirited boy in Saawariya, a loverboy in Bachna Ae Haseeno, a carefree college boy in Wake Up Sid, a ruthless manipulator in Raajneeti, a struggling singer in Rockstar or a deaf and mute innocent boy in Barfi!.At the TOIFA Awards he revealed his innermost wish of playing an anti hero, but that none of his directors are ready to accept him in such a role.
As per sources, Ranbir says that there are “challenging roles for actors today, unlike past when an actor kept on doing same kind of roles for three to four years,cinema has kind of evolved.”.I would love to play a negative role, something that is like an anti-hero. Something without guitars, rose and without a heroine. I have been asking this for quite a long time, and I hope the directors are hearing me out and come out with scripts like that.”
Well Ranbir going by your present trend,there wont be any surprises to see you soon in a negative role.