Bollywood actor Randeep Hooda has created a niche for himself in the world of entertainment since his debut in ‘Monsoon Wedding’ as the quintessential Delhi guy. With Imtiaz Ali’s ‘Highway’, ‘Main Aur Charles’ and now ‘Sarbjit‘, the actor has been steadily climbing the ladder of success.
The actor, who lived with his grandparents as his mother and father were living abroad, admitted that he shares a great bond with his mother.
On the occasion of Mother’s Day, the actor made a cute revelation on how his mother is planning to get him hitched. Randeep said that his mother wishes him to tie the knot. So she keeps sending him pictures of potential brides.
“Her only unfulfilled desire is that she wants to see me married. She keeps sending pictures of prospective brides,” he was quoted in a daily.
He also added that it was because of his mother he landed Mira Nair’s ‘Monsoon Wedding’. But his mother is rather non-filmy and they don’t discuss films unless she has watched the movie. Then he can sense her pride in his work, quipped Randeep.
Hope Randeep Hooda fulfills his mother’s wish soon.
Also Read: Dalbir Kaur to Randeep Hooda: Promise me you’ll give me ‘kandha’ when I die
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