Ranveer Singh and Arjun Kapoor share the screen space in their upcoming Movie Gunday,Recently the two had been in news for their spat in which the bone of contention was none other than Anushka Sharma.In an industry where games of one-up man ship are rampant, it was no surprise to hear that Ranveer Singh and newbie Arjun Kapoor weren’t exactly the best of friends.But looks like Ranveer has decided to bury the hatchet and recently sent a bouquet of flowers to the other actor. According to sources, Arjun has accepted his offer of friendship as well as the flowers.
A source revealed,“Ranveer made his debut opposite Anushka and ever since then there were rumors about them dating. After they broke up, Anushka moved on with Arjun. And that remained the bone of contention between the two actors. They wouldn’t even talk to each other. But not anymore.When Ranveer saw the promo of Arjun’s next film Aurangzeb, he sent him flowers to congratulate him and wishing him luck,in return Arjun too has accepted his offer of friendship as well as the flowers.
Well we hope if only the two Khan’s Too learn from these youngsters.