Stand-up comedian Kapil Sharma has tied the knot with the gorgeous Jacqueline Fernandez. The actor known for his hilarious act was proposed by the beauty on the sets of The Kapil Show. In a picture that is circulating on the social network, Kapil is seen striking a typical marriage picture with Jacqueline. Before your brain goes into an overdrive let us be clear that this was just in fun.
Kapil Sharma has been known to flirt with all the divas visiting his set to promote their films. Deepika Padukone, Kareena Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, there are many actresses who can be added to this list. This time around he was bowled over by Sri Lankan beauty Jacqueline Fernandez when she came to promote her film ‘Dishoom’. However, the Sri Lankan beauty was not impressed.
Soon the beauty dropped over to promote her upcoming film ‘A Flying Jatt’ and much to the delight of the stand-up comedian, not only went on a dinner date with him, but also proposed him, if only for the cameras.
On the film front, Jacqueline is gearing up for ‘A Flying Jatt’. The movie is directed by Remo D’Souza and will see Tiger in the role of a superhero. The film will release on August 25th, 2016.
Also Read: ‘A Flying Jatt’ Tiger Shroff lands up with his team on Kapil Sharma’s show