Veteran actress Rekha, also known as the quintessential beauty of Bollywood, recently attended the monsoon session of Rajya Sabha. The actress, who was nominated to Rajya Sabha in 2012, attended the house for the first time ever since she has been appointed to the house. The actress has time and again been criticised for their poor attendance in the house, along with the god of Indian cricket, Sachin Tendulkar, whose attendance for the same has been low too.
Draped in a bright yellow saree, the actress joined the upper house after lunch and remained there for some time. No sooner that she had taken her designated seat, Congress members T Subbirami Reddy and Chhaya Verma went to her and had a brief chat. The actress was seen participating in the working of the house and also discussing the Calling Attention Motion on the appointments of the judges of the High Court and the Supreme Court.
On the career front, the reclusive actress was last seen in the ‘Super Nani’ in 2014, and then in ‘Shamitabh’. Though the actress was signed up for ‘Fitoor’ she walked out due to some misunderstanding with the director.
Also Read: All smiles! Jaya Bachchan and Rekha captured in one single frame