In October 2022, actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu shared the news with the world that she has been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, Myositis. The actress grew physically weaker because of the same but still kept pushing on to complete her work. Last month, she announced taking an acting break to focus on her recovery. And amidst that, recently some reports did rounds that she has taken money from an actor for her treatment. Finally, the actress has reacted to those reports.
Samantha SLAMS reports of taking money for myositis treatment
The recent reports stated that Samantha has taken Rs 25 crores from a Telugu superstar for her treatment. Reacting to that, the actress took to her social media to lash out at people spreading the fake news. She insisted that she earns enough to take care of herself on her own. She also asked the people to not propagate false information about myositis treatment.
Samantha reacts to reports of taking Rs 25 crores
Samantha reacts to reports of taking Rs 25 crores for myositis reatment
Taking to her Instagram stories, Samantha wrote a note that read, “25 crores to treat Myositis!? Someone got you a pretty bad deal. I am glad I am only spending the smallest fraction of that. And, I don’t think I was paid in marbles for all the work I’ve done in my career. So, I can easily take care of myself. Thank you. Myosotis is a condition thousands suffer from. Let’s please be responsible with the information we put out regarding the treatment.”
Samantha acting break
The actress wrapped up the shoot of Citadel India with Varun Dhawan last month. Post that, she took to her social media to announce taking a break from work to focus on her recovery. Reportedly, during this period Samantha will also fly down to the US for her treatment. Currently, she is traveling, taking trips and indulging in some self care.
On the work front, Samantha has two projects that she has finished work on. First up, she has Kushi with Vijay Deverakonda and it has a release date of September 1, 2023. Post that, she has the web series Citadel India, which will mostly release in 2024.
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