Actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu left everyone surprised with her bold look at Critics Choice Awards 2022 function. She was seen wearing a bikini cut high waist fitted dress from Gauri and Nainika. There were many who absolutely loved her choice of bringing out boldness and hotness. However, there seemed to be a certain section who have criticised her look and this came to Samantha’s notice. Samantha decided to give it back to the trolls and dropped a statement on her Instagram account, saying how a woman is being judged on basis of several grounds including their clothes, appearance, skin tone.
Sharing the picture of her recent green gown look, Samantha hits back at trolls by releasing a powerful statement that read, “As a woman, I bear firsthand knowledge of what it means to be judged. We judge women based on what their wear, their race, education and social standing, appearance, skin tone and the list goes on and on. Making snap judgements about a person simply based on clothes they wear is quite literally the easiest thing one can do.”
She also asks the people to stop judging a woman based on the hemlines and necklines as she continued, “Now that we’re in the year 2022- can we finally stop judging a woman based on the hemlines and necklines she adores and focus instead on bettering ourselves?”
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The Makkhi actor further added that one should take the judgements inwards for better self-evolution. “Turning that judgement inward and training it on ones own self is evolution! Projecting our ideals on someone else never did anyone any good… Let’s gently rewrite the way we measure and understand a person.”
Also read: Planning to buy Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s bikini cut high waist dress? Its cost will make you rethink