Bollywood’s original Bad Boy Sanjay Dutt is back in the comfort of his home after serving his sentence in Pune’s Yerwada Jail. The actor, who recently walked out as a free man, has been now flooded with offers by his Bollywood friends. Good friend Rajkumar Hirani is already busy with Dutt’s biopic that has Ranbir Kapoor depicting the role of the actor. Now, rumours are gaining credence that Dutt will be making a comeback in an action thriller named ‘Marco’.This film is being helmed by Sidharth Anand and the latest updates says that Munna Bhai will have Bollywood’s latest sensation Kriti Sanon as the female lead. The story of the movie is based on the relationship of a father and his daughter.
At present Kriti is busy with ‘Raabta’ with the handsome hunk, Sushant Singh Rajput, romancing her in the film.
There has been no confirmation as yet, but looking at the unusual casting of the lead characters, the film has surely generated an excitement in Sanjay Dutt fans who had last seen him on the big screen with Aamir Khan is super hit flick ‘PK’.
Also Read: Sanjay Dutt baffled his neighbors, who later called cops on him
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