Producer, director Mahesh Bhatt was quite vocal about his displeasure with some of the people from Film Fraternity,who were spreading rumors that Sanju is afraid of going to prison. clarifying their doubts Bhatt said that Sanjay Dutt has spent almost two years in prison,so all those people who think that he filed this petition because he’s frightened of going (to jail) are so wrong.Well the real reason behind his plea is that there is a lot of money riding on his projects ,close to Rs.278 crore and Sanju the caring man that he is didn’t want his producers,who are dependent on him to be impacted by the verdict.
As per information,the court saw the sanity of it and has shown mercy realizing that his imprisonment will have adverse effect on his producers.As it is Sanjay is not going to spend this one month with his wife and children instead Fourteen to 15 hours of his day will go into shooting for his current projects.Well this exception has also benefited the other convicts for they too along with Sanjay Dutt are given extension .
Well the Producers most relieved are Rahul Aggarwal (Policegiri),Karan Johar (Unglee),Vinod Chopra and Raj Kumar Hirani (P.K.).