Shah Rukh Khan’s pan-India project with Tamil director Atlee aka Arun Kumar has been in the buzz since the announcement. The film which is tentatively titled Lion went on floors in September in Pune. For the unversed, this big-budget film also features Nayanthara, Priyamani, Yogi Babu, Sanya Malhotra and Sunil Grover in key roles. And now, the latest reports suggest that Samantha Ruth Prabhu has replaced Lady Superstar Nayanthara. Apparently, Nayanthara was given October dates for Lion but SRK will apparently be skipping the shoot since his son Aryan Khan has been in jail in an ongoing drugs case.
Since Nayanthara is unable to adjust her call sheet, director Atlee has reportedly approached Samantha Ruth Prabhu to play the female lead. It is believed that the film will be a revenge action drama, where the SRK will assemble a team of women, who want to take revenge for their past by robbing something precious. Strong reports suggest that AR Rahman has been roped as a music composer. SRK is apparently playing a double role, that of a father and a son. And Telugu actor Rana Daggubati may also join the team.
Speaking about Samantha, she has been hitting the headlines post her divorce announcement. She has signed a few projects and was seen enjoying her vacation. She recently wrapped up the shooting of Shaakuntalam.On the other hand, Shah Rukh Khan, will be seen next in Pathan.
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The spy-thriller also features John Abraham (playing the lead antagonist) and Deepika Padukone (RAW agent) in vital roles. The film is directed by Bachna Ae Haseeno and Salaam Namaste fame Siddharth Anand and will hit the screens in 2022. It is produced under the banner of Yash Raj Films.
What are your views on this apparent change?
Also Read: Shah Rukh Khan and Nayanthara’s next with Atlee is titled, Lion? An official document LEAKED online