Superstar Shahrukh Khan has lighted up the life of a light-man’s daughter. Mohammad Shaikh, a lightman who used to work with Balaji Telefilms as a freelancer was going through a major financial difficulty. Matters reached to an extent where he had to discontinue the education of his daughter. But SRK came like a ray of light in his life and took up the cost of his daughter’s education.
As per sources, Azaz’s wife had won a contest and while receiving the award from the Badshah she spoke to him about her financial problems; so SRK promised to take care of her daughters education .
Mohammed too was thankful for the superstars help, “Thanks to Mr.Shahrukh Khan, my daughter Nisha will be going back to school very soon.”
SRK is a kindhearted person and has always taken a stand on girl empowerment.