Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan were recently in the news for an awkward exchange at the ‘Sarbjit’ premier. A video where Abhi apparently miffed with Aishwarya was spotted walking off from a photo-shoot soon went viral on the social network. Amidst the rumours that all is not well between the ‘IT’ couple of Bollywood, sources have revealed the real truth behind hubby dears’ reluctance to share the stage with his gorgeous wife. Abhishek wanted Aishwarya to be the centre of attraction on her big day, so he moved aside.
Here is some more on Aishwarya and Abhishek’s front, as the couple has finally shut rumour mongers. The golden couple has gone further to prove that all is indeed well in their paradise. The two were spotted last night out for a special screening of ‘Sarbjit’. They looked in-love as always and greeted the media with huge smiles.
Later the couple were even spotted at Shilpa Shetty’s son Viaan’s birthday bash with their adorable daughter Aaradhya.
Hope this has put to rest to all the rumours pertaining to things not being well between the Bachchan’s. Where ‘Sarbjit’ is being much applauded by fans and critics, Abhishek too is gearing up for the release of his upcoming film ‘Housefull 3’.
Also Read: Trollers are my biggest fans, says Abhishek Bachchan
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