Bollywood actress Daisy Shah, popular for her roles in Race 3 and Jai Ho, started 2025 with a heartwarming gesture. The actress spent the first week of the new year at an all-girls orphanage, spreading joy and love. This isn’t the first time Daisy has been seen participating in such meaningful activities. She is widely admired for her kind-hearted nature and her passion for helping others!
Daisy Shah visits orphanage during New Year week
During her visit, the girls surprised Daisy with a dance performance of her famous songs, leaving her delighted. The actress danced along, making the moment unforgettable for everyone. She celebrated the New Year by cutting a cake with the children. She also surprised them with thoughtful gifts and enjoyed delicious treats together. The actress took time to interact with the girls, making them feel special and loved.
Adding a personal touch to her visit, Daisy received beautiful fan art made by the children. She signed each piece before leaving, making their day even more memorable. Daisy Shah is not only known for her philanthropic efforts but also for her love for animals. She frequently supports animal NGOs and dedicates her time to promoting animal welfare. Her fans often refer to her as a true star with talent and a beautiful heart.
On the professional front, Daisy has been receiving immense love for her performance in the new web show Red Room. Fans and critics alike have praised her for portraying a complex character with ease and brilliance. As Daisy continues to balance her acting career with her charitable activities, she sets an inspiring example for everyone. Her compassionate actions remind us that kindness and generosity can bring smiles to many faces.