Bollywood actress Sonam Khan, renowned for her captivating performances in films like Vijay, Aakhri Ghulam, and Tridev, shares her deep love for the monsoon season. Sonam opens up about her favorite rainy day rituals, her ultimate monsoon playlist, and how the rain transforms her home into a haven of coziness and comfort.

Sonam Khan on her love for monsoon season

Khan shares her deep love for the monsoon season, emphasising how it always brings something wonderful to experience. She says, “I love the rain, and it always brings out something wonderful to share. The best experience is feeling the soothing rhythm of raindrops against the window while curled up with a good book. It’s a magical feeling that never fails to uplift my spirits”

When stuck at home during the rains, Sonam relishes the cosy ambiance created by the weather, shares, “I love being at home when it’s raining, enjoying a cup of hot green tea. There’s something incredibly cozy about the sound of rain pattering on the roof while I relax with a warm cup of tea. It’s the perfect time to indulge in comfort foods, catch up on my favorite series, or simply unwind with a good book. The rain creates a serene backdrop that makes staying in feel even more enjoyable.” For her, the rain adds a serene backdrop that makes indoor moments even more enjoyable.

Sonam Khan’s favorite monsoon songs evoke nostalgia and romance. She says, “My favorite monsoon songs are definitely ‘Rimjhim Gire Sawan’ and ‘Kate Nahi Katate Ye Din Ye Raat’ from Mr. India. ” These timeless melodies capture the essence of the monsoon season, creating a magical atmosphere that feels as though the rain itself is dancing along with the music.

Also Read: Zoobi Doobi to Dekho na, 5 Monsoon Songs of Aamir Khan worth re-listening to on a rainy day

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