Akshaye Khanna and Raveena Tandon are all set to share screen space for the first time in the new web series titled Legacy. The web series will be directed by Vijay Gutte. Legacy will mark the filmmaker’s first venture into the OTT space. Talking about entering the web series space for the first time, Khanna said in a statement, “It is refreshing to work on content that challenges our boundaries as an industry as a whole. Given the massive scale of the show, we are cognizant of the immense responsibility to deliver our best to create a content piece the audience looks forward to. I’m glad ‘Legacy’ is going to be my first web series.”
Akshaye and Raveena will not only be seen on-screen together for the first time, but they will also be seen going head to head as they play rivals in Legacy.
Sharing the news on her Instagram account, Raveena Tandon wrote, “Wishing you all a very Happy #gudipadwa #chetichand #chaitrnavratri #ramadan ! Immensely happy to announce my next web series LEGACY. Will be sharing the screen with Akshaye Khanna for the first time. Directed by Vijay Gutte. Produced by After Studios, AA Films and Sunny Bakshi. #AkshayeKhanna @vijay.gutte#Legacy @legacy_webseries @after_studios #AAFilmsIndia @sunnybakshiinmumbai(sic)”
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Meanwhile, Raveena will also be seen in Yash and Sanjay Dutt starrer KGF Chapter 2.
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