Siddharth Nigam broke a lot of hearts when it was announced that his show Aladdin: Naam Toh Suna Hi Hoga will go off-air soon. But, the actor has other and much bigger plans that his fans would love to know. Siddharth will now shift his focus to making his debut in Bollywood as he feels it is the right time and age to make a Bollywood debut.
In an interview with Spotboye Siddharth said, “After this show, I definitely want to do a Bollywood project. I think I am ready and I have already started looking for it. If you see many actors like Leonardo DiCaprio started their journey at a very young age. And I am already 21. So, I feel it’s my right age to make my film debut.”Â
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Siddharth is quite confident that he looks the right age and has all the qualities of a hero, he said, “I look mature on-screen and I have all the qualities a hero requires.”  Siddharth was seen in Dhoom 3 as he played the role of a young Aamir Khan. He was loved for his acting chops in the movie.
Also Read: Siddharth Nigam confirms Aladdin: Naam Toh Suna Hoga to go off-air