After a small midnight birthday celebration at home, Anita Hassanandani enjoyed the day with her pals. Yes, celebrations for Anita continued yesterday, April 14. The actress received a special surprise from her best buddies from the industry. Karan Patel, Ankita Bhargava, Ekta Kapoor, Aditi Bhatia, Krystle D’Souza, Surbhi Jyoti gathered together to make birthday girl Anita’s day more special and memorable.
The birthday celebration was an intimate affair owing to the COVID pandemic, but the fun factor as high as ever. From clicking selfies to laughing their hearts out to getting all chatty, this ‘lockdown’ birthday celebration of Anita Hassanandani is certainly going to be remembered. Anita turned 40 yesterday but glowed as if she has just entered her 20s. Wearing a pink and white polka dot dress, the new mommy made the best of her time with her pals and husband Rohit Reddy.
She took to her Instagram handle to share some fun-loving photos of her birthday bash. Anita wrote the most heartwarming caption, which read, ‘My happy place!’ While her birthday party was all about it, it was the ‘special 40’ cake that stole the show. Yes!
A customised birthday cake was arranged for the new mother, leaving her super elated. Giving it a superhero touch, Anita’s birthday cake had ‘hottie at 40 SUPERMOM’ written on it, and it has left her fans mighty impressed.
Well, we must say, Anita Hassanadani and her buddies surely know how to make birthday’s super special even during the lockdown. Aren’t you happy to see this lovely gang reunite and spread happiness once again? Let us know.
Anita Hassanandani celebrates birthday with close friends:Â
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