Life for Anita Hassanandani has changed ever since she welcomed her baby boy, Aaravv Reddy. The actress is enjoying this new phase in her life to the fullest. She is leaving no stones unturned to make it happening and cherishable. Almost every day, Anita shares glimpses of her fun time with son Aaravv, leaving everyone in ‘awe.’ However, this time she shared an adorable photo with her ‘sons.’ Yes, you read that right!
Are you wondering who, Anita Hassanandani is referring to as her ‘sons?’ Well, we’re talking about her baby boy Aaravv Reddy and her doggo. Yes, apart from being a mommy to Aaravv, she is also a pet parent and holds both of them closer to the heart. In the photo, Anita Hassanandani is seen warmly holding son Aaravv in her arms, as she flashes her beaming smile. We can also see a distant blurry image of her doggo in the frame, at a distance.
“My oh so perfect life in a selfie. My Jaans. True Love. My Sons,” wrote Anita in the caption. Within moments, Anita’s awe-inspiring selfie caught everyone’s attention and fans couldn’t stop showering their love for her. In another video, Anita is seen pecking a sweet kiss on baby Aaravv as he is lost in his dreamland. Yes, Anita planted a kiss on sleeping Aaravv’s forehead, and the clip is too cute to miss.
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[caption id="attachment_993695" align="aligncenter" width="807"] Anita Hassanandani kisses son Aaravv Reddy[/caption]
Meanwhile, Anita Hassanandani and Rohit Reddy welcomed their first child on February 9, 2021. The couple tied the knot in 2013, and have been enjoying a happily ever after since then. They’re super excited to be blessed with Aaravv and are busy making the most of their parenthood time. What are your thoughts on Anita and Aaravv’s bond? Let us know.