Ankita Lokhande celebrated her first birthday this year as Mrs Jain after she tied the knot with Vicky Jain and we can’t get over the happy bride enjoying her heart out at the celebrations. Ankita took to her social media account and shared inside videos from her birthday celebration. The Pavitra Rishta actress was seen cutting her cake as Mrs Jain as Vicky stood close by her. The newlywed couple were seen donning matching black outfits.
Ankita Lokhande rang in her birthday with Vicky, her family and close friends. The actress was greeted to a table spread filled with lights flowers and three beautiful cakes. Ankita was all smiles as she celebrated her special day with close ones. But, looks like Ankita has had her fair share of fun and laughter as she dozed off on the couch later in the night.
Some other videos show Ankita had headed out with Vicky Jain and her friends for her birthday celebration. Ankita’s friends were seen singing for the actress while they were out on the street.
Check out the videos below:
Ankita and Vicky tied the knot in a lavish wedding at the Grand Hyatt Mumbai in presence of their family and friends. The couple had a blast over the three-day-long gala affair that saw guests like Kangana Ranaut, Ekta Kapoor, Jay Bhanushali and many others.
Stay tuned to this space for more updates.
 Also Read: Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain rocking matching suits at their post wedding pyjama party is too cute for words