Sushant Singh Rajput and Ankita Lokhande had become household names in the nation as Manav and Archana when they starred in the much-loved show Pavitra Rishta. Ankita and Sushant were adored by the fans so when Pavitra Rishta 2 was announced with Shaheer Sheikh as Manav, the fans were a little suspicious over how it will turn out. But Ankita says that she does not blame the fans as Sushant’s legacy was something else and being nostalgic over it is understandable. In an exclusive chat with us, Ankita said, “You have that perception of Sushant and Ankita. So for many people, it is difficult. Even now the result has not come, till the time they will not see the scenes they will not understand.”
Talking about people not being able to accept Shaheer immediately as Manav who is filing in Sushant’s shoes and legacy, “More than Shaheer people were bashing me. Even I had done the show, I have done it more than Sushant which is five and a half years. People are connected to me and Sushant. I told Saheer very clearly; he was very nervous about the whole thing, I told him as an actor we are doing our jobs. I know me and Sushant were very strong as Archana and Manav. But tab woh Sushant Ankita ke liye nai- Archana Manav ke liye pagal the.”
Talking about Sushantls legacy and new actors stepping into his role as Manav, “Nobody can replace Sushant. Nobody can. Because that was his and mine chemistry. So there will be people who will definitely not like it and I dont blame them. Because they just loved us together. They just loved Sushant more than me I think.”
Check out the full conversation below: