Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain are got hitched on December 14 but the actress is sharing all the pre-wedding festivities pictures post her marriage. Earlier, Ankita was seen getting her hand covered with a beautiful Henna design at her Mehendi function while she even danced like there’s no tomorrow with her husband Vicky, despite her leg injury. All the pictures from her pre-wedding festivities were stealing our hearts, now, Ankita Lokhande has finally dropped new pictures from her Haldi ceremony and it is beautiful! As Ankita has now posted pictures from her Haldi ceremony, they are simply unmissable!
The Pavitra Rishta actress wore red ethnic wear for her Haldi ceremony. Ankita did not opt for a yellow outfit for her Haldi and managed to steal the show with her elegance and grace. She looked mesmerizing in the red with golden design salwar kameez. Ankita wore her hair up in a bun whereas Vicky opted for a white kurta and salwar.
Take a look at the pictures below:
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Meanwhile, the Vicky Jain and Ankita Lokhande Haldi ceremony was attended by Amruta Khanvilkar, Srishty Rode, Ali Merchant, and others, who took to their Instagram stories to share pictures and videos. Amruta posted pictures with Vicky where his face is covered with ubtan. Ankita also looked gorgeous as her friends and family applied the ubtan paste on her.
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Ankita Lokhande had a grand celebration on December 12 where she and Vicky exchanged rings. At the engagement ceremony, Ankita grooved to the beats of the song Love Me Like You Do and even danced with her to-be-husband and friends. And several celebrities from the entertainment industry attended the celebrations. The Pavitra Rishta actress looked marvellous wearing a classy dark-coloured gown. Earlier on Sunday, during the Mehendi function, Ankita danced to the beats of the dhol with Vicky. They both looked adorable as they posed for pictures. Ankita even flaunted her henna design.
Also Read: Ankita Lokhande & Vicky Jain wedding: Bride-to-be looks surreal in pics from Haldi ceremony