Aashish Mehrotra, who plays the role of Paritosh in Star Plus’ show Anupamaa is reeling in pain. The actor has lost his father. Yes, in a piece of shocking and saddening news, Aashish Mehrotra’s passed away. Reportedly, his father lost his life after contracting COVID 19. He recently took to his Instagram handle to remember his late father and penned an emotional note.
The actor shared a heartwarming video of their happy moments, and also some photos where the father-son duo bonded. Aashish wished he could hold onto his father for longer as many things have been left unsaid. He expressed how his father might have left the world, but he is still here for them, and will always be.
Calling his father his ‘uncomfortable hugging champ,’ Aashish expressed, “You may have left me on the outside for the world. But on the inside, you are even more close, and this more will never be enough. Our bodies may have parted ways, but soul’s will never. I am sorry for being selfish here…”Aap sirf mere papa ho” I know you haven’t left me papa.”
Remembering his late father, a heartbroken Aashish wrote, “My happy face, spreading smile all around. And your jumping bhangra step. This is just how I want to keep you with me always papa.” Aashi’s Mehrotra’s Anupamaa co-star Rupali Ganguly, who plays his onscreen offered her condolences. She wrote, “May God give u strength to go thru this time.”His co-actor Anagla Bhosale also wished him strength, “Bhai, stay strong, lots of strength.” Kunal Jaisingh, Jaswir Kaur, Karan Singh Chhabra and many others offered their deepest condolences.
Meanwhile, Anupamaa stars Rupali Ganguly and Sudhanshu Pandey (Vanraj) in the lead roles. A few days ago, Paras Kalnawat, Aashish’s onscreen brother also lost his father.
Anupamaa actor Aashish Mehrotra pens an emotional note for his late fatherÂ
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