The country is under lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Given the lockdown, broadcasters have begun airing old classic shows like ‘Mahabharat’ and ‘Ramayan’. This has reinvoked interest in viewers and they have been searching for their favourite stars online to know what they are up to now. Well, some really surprising details have come forward about Aparajita Bhushan who played Mandodari in ‘Ramayan’.
Aparajita is said to have never had the aim of becoming an actress. Back then she used to do dubbing but then had to move to the acting world after her husband’s death. Ramanand Sagar called Aparajita to audition and then she joined the show ‘Ramayan’. Post that, her career flourished as she did multiple films becoming a successful actress.
But, looks like the heart wants what it wants as Aparajita has now given up on acting. Spirituality was always her calling and she is now part of an organization called ‘Brahma Kumaris’ who teach the world about the art of living and peace of mind.
Meanwhile, the repeat telecast of ‘Ramayana’ is being loved by the viewers and the TRP of Doordarshan has increased in no time.
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