Ever since Anita Hassanandani and Rohit Reddy welcomed their first child, fans are going crazy. Everyone is eagerly waiting for two things – the name of their baby boy, and his first picture. Though we all will have to wait for the new parents to give a glimpse of baby Reddy, there is some update about the name of their baby boy.
In an earlier interview, Anita Hassanandani had revealed that they will name their baby ‘Ravi.’ And now that the couple is blessed with a baby boy, they might keep his name ‘Ravi.’ Neither Anita Hassanandani nor Rohit Reddy has officially announced their baby boy’s name until now, but chances are high that they name him ‘Ravi.’
The name is very special to the couple, as it was the name of Rohit’s late father. In an unfortunate event, Rohit’s father had passed away, a few days after Anita’s pregnancy. And it is then, that Anita and Rohit had decided to name their child after his name. So, now that Anita and Rohit are proud parents of a baby boy, the chances of naming their baby boy ‘Ravi’ are quite high. However, we will have to wait for the couple to officially announce their child’s name.
Here’s how Rohit Hassanandani announced his baby boy’s arrival with Anita Hassanandani:Â
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Meanwhile, the new parents are having the best time of their lives as their new journey as ‘parents’ begins. This is their first child after 7 years of marriage, and they can’t be happier. Not only the couple, but their family, friends, and colleagues are also jumping in happiness.
Ekta Kapoor recently shared an unseen video from the hospital as she expressed her joy welcome her ‘bhanja’ aka nephew. New mommy Anita also looked quite excited. Interestingly, if Anita and Rohit name their child Ravi, it will have a special connection with Ekta’s kid as his name is also ‘Ravie.’
What are your thoughts on the same? Are you excited to see ‘Baby Reddy’s’ first picture with mommy Anita Hassanandani and daddy Rohit Reddy? Let us know in the comment section below.