Former Bigg Boss contestant Asim Riaz and late actor Sidharth Shukla’s bittersweet bond during their Bigg Boss 13 stint was a much-spoken-about topic. Although, in the end, the boys sorted it all out. Sidharth and Asim’s friendship was loved and cherished by fans. On September 3, Friday, Sidharth Shukla was cremated at the Oshiwara crematorium. The actor’s humble soul left this world for his heavenly abode. Asim, who attended the funeral of Sidharth Shukla was clicked sitting and soaking in the rain.Â
A heart-wrenching picture of Asim Riaz sitting on the stairs near the crematorium is crushing. The picture is worth a million and speaks of the emotions of every single person at the crematorium. Asim sitting alone does not only break your heart but even leaves you teary-eyed remembering the person Sidharth Shukla was. Like a good friend, the singer sat on the stairs and soaked in the rain.Â
Take a look at the picture below:Â
#AsimRiaz at #ShamshaanBhoomi sitting in Rain #SidharthShukla Funeral
— The Khabri (@TheRealKhabri) September 3, 2021
Asim Riaz had paid a visit to Cooper Hospital on Thursday after getting knowledge about Sidharth Shukla’s demise. On Friday, the actor visited the late actor’s home. Asim visited Sidharth’s residence to offer condolences.Â
Mourning Sidharth Shukla’s demise, the former Bigg Boss contestant made two heartfelt posts. He had shared throwback pictures of him with Sidharth from the Bigg Boss 13 house. Asim shared the beautiful moment and condoled the death of Sidharth Shukla.Â
Shehnaaz Gill, a close friend of Sidharth Shukla was clicked at the crematorium. She arrived with her brother Shehbaz Badesha. The actress was crying inconsolably. She was even spotted crying her heart out in the car when she arrived at the location.Â
Sidharth Shukla’s last rites were performed on September 3. He breathed his last in his Mumbai residence, as per reports. The actor died at the young age of 40. He suffered a massive heart attack.Â
Also Read: Sidharth Shukla’s cause of death reserved by Cooper Hospital, after post mortem; Report