Dev Joshi, renowned for his iconic role in the hit TV series Baal Veer, has taken a significant step in his life by getting engaged to his partner, Aarti. The beloved actor shared a captivating photo that captured the beautiful moment, leaving fans in awe.
Baalveer fame Dev Joshi gets engaged to Aarti
Dev Joshi initially posted a video on social media with the heartfelt caption as he gets engaged to Aarti. He wrote, “And we decided on forever! Here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter, and countless beautiful memories together (sic).” While their faces were not visible. Dev, the beloved actor known for his iconic role in the hit TV series Baal Veer, has taken a significant step in his personal life by getting engaged to his partner, Aarti.
The actor shared a captivating video on social media, announcing their engagement. In the video, the couple’s faces are not visible, but they are seen holding hands and flaunting their rings in front of a Lord Ganesha idol, indicating that they sought divine blessings as they embarked on this new journey.
Later, Dev Joshi shared a heartfelt photo with his fiancée, Aarti, where the couple appears to have gotten engaged at Nepal’s Kamakshya Temple. Dressed in traditional attire, they are adorned with red shawls and rudraksha malas, adding a spiritual touch to the moment. The caption read, “Together, in faith, love and life (sic)!”
As soon as Dev Joshi shared the photos with his fiancée. Fans and former co-stars flooded the post with comments, expressing their excitement. They left heartfelt congratulatory messages for the newly engaged couple.
Dev’s acting career
Dev Joshi began his television career with a role in Mahima Shani Dev Ki. He later took on lead roles in various shows, including Kashi – Ab Na Rahe Tera Kagaz Kora and Baalveer Returns. He also showcased his talent by playing the role of a teenage Chandrashekhar Azad.
The announcement of his engagement has undoubtedly brought joy to his fans. They have followed his journey and admired his acting prowess. As Dev Joshi and Aarti embark on this new chapter of their lives, their fans and well-wishers have expressed their heartfelt congratulations.
Team Bollywood Bubble sends their best wishes to the couple.