Benafsha Soonawalla and Priyank Sharma recently made their relationship official recently. Ever since then they have been treating their fans and followers with their cosy and loved-up posts. Benafsha recently posted a picture with her beau on social media and soon a troll told her that Varun Sood and Divya Agarwal’s pair is better than her and Priyank. Read on to know Benafsha’s savage reply to the troll.
Benafsha had recently posted a picture of kissing Priyank’s cheeks where he looked upset with her. Explaining the reason behind her beau’s expression, she wrote, “Mad at me but enjoys getting pappies ? #cute.”
While the couple’s fans showered praises on their cute Jodi, however, one of the users called their relationship fake and said that reality television stars Varun Sood and Divya Agarwal are better than them. “Yu guys never look a pair. Feel happy for Varun n Divya as they are true…Yu called him brother initially and see what yu landed upon…you both are fake….I liked priyank earlier but not anymore after what he did to D (sic),” the troll commented.
Hitting back at the troll, Benafsha replied, “Abeeeey chap”. She even added several laughing emojis in her reply.
Now isn’t that the savage way to shut a troll?
Priyank and Benafsha have been dating for a long time however it was only recently when they made their relationship official. Revealing why they kept their love a secret, Benafsha had told TOI, “I didn’t think people would understand back then. But then I felt I have to choose myself and my loved ones over other people. It makes sense to me right now so I did it.”
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Also Read: Benafsha Soonawalla finally spills the beans on why she kept her affair with Priyank Sharma a secret
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