The Producers Guild of India recently took to their Twitter handle to thank the Chief Minister of Maharashtra Uddhav Thackeray for considering the request to resume film and television shoots amid the coronavirus lockdown. Along with the tweet, the body has also attached the link where the guidelines and SOP that will be followed were mentioned. Well, the government is yet to give a green signal.
We spoke to comedian Bharti Singh about her views whether it should be allowed or not and what measures she would follow if the shoots resume. Bharti gave a very thoughtful answer. She said, “If shoots resume, we have to take precautions properly. There are 8-10 people with an artiste. I personally have these many people with me when I go for a shoot. Now, we have to reduce our staff and should try to do things on our own. There should be limited people and only those who are required on the sets. I have told Haarsh (Bharti’s husband) that when I will start shooting, I will call my staff and do make-up at home and will take only two people with me on sets. I have also told my manager to get medical tests done for my staff once the shoot starts.”
Bharti has been entertaining her fans with her homemade videos on TikTok and Instagram amid the lockdown. “I have shifted to my new home and there are lots of things to do in my new house. We don’t have house help and doing everything of my own. I have learned new recipes, and my speed has increased. I take out one hour and do yoga to keep myself fit. Sometimes, I feel depressed and once I get back to work, I feel relieved. I wish this ends soon and people get back to work.”
Also these days, Bharti has been one of the mentors for Flipkart Video’s ‘Entertainer No. 1. Talking about the show, Bharti said, “This platform helps you to entertain by making videos at your homes amid the lockdown. This is a great initiative by Flipkart where they can use props, do make-up by staying at their homes. People are getting prize money and coupons for showing their talent. There are many creative people who are coming up and I am left stunned. I keep looking at these videos again and again. These people are not from cities but from villages. They do these videos with full dedication along with their families. They get encouraged when I comment on their videos and it feels great to see their expressions. Amid this lockdown, they have made money out of it. I have worked with Varun Dhawan and Raghav Juyal and they respect me a lot. Varun is also enjoying the show. The show is coming to an end now and I am feeling sad and wish this kind of show comes again.”
For the unversed, Flipkart Video’s ‘Entertainer No.1’ is a stay at home reality show aimed at giving budding entertainers a platform to stay connected. This new show is curated with the intention to cheer people up during this difficult time and encourage them to bring out their creative best, while more importantly, staying at home.
The lockdown 4.0 is supposed to end by May 31. But Maharashtra government has hinted that it might get extended.
Also Read: The Kapil Sharma Show: Bharti Singh finds a perfect groom for Neha Kakkar-watch video