Vindu Dara Singh has been an ardent fan of Bigg Boss 14. The actor has been sharing his views on the season ever since the beginning. Vindu will be seen entering the house as Rakhi Sawant’s connection this week. During a candid chat, we asked him he agrees with Rubina Dilaik being alleged to have a ‘superiority complex’. To this, the actor made a comparison of Rubina Dilaik to that with Sidharth Shukla and said that there is nothing wrong with it.
Sharing his view on Rubina Dilaik in Bigg Boss 14, Vindu said, “When the season first started, I found Jasmin Bhasin better than Rubina and would wonder why she is here. I would laugh when people would say that she would win. Rubina would stand her ground and fight for things even when she was wrong. Now after so many months, I have realized she is like this, she stands her ground come what may. Many people in the world are like that, so it is okay. I have now understood that people who knew her, why were they so confident that she might win.”
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Speaking about the superiority complex bit, he explained, “About the superiority complex, everyone has it but with Rubina, she is very transparent and it shows more. But even Sidharth Shukla had that. So, what’s wrong with that? I feel Rubina is currently very close to the trophy, she will only lose if she makes a big mistake.”
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Do you agree with him? Let us know. Rubina, in the meanwhile, is the frontline for the trophy this year. She has been exuding immense strength since day 1.
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