The latest promo of Bigg Boss 14 has created a storm on the internet. Rakhi Sawant aka the ‘drama queen’ has revealed some shocking details about her husband Ritesh and marriage. Sharing her dark secrets, Rakhi Sawant tells Rahul Vaidya that Ritesh is already married, and also bears a child. Yes, Rakhi Sawant revealed about her husband Ritesh’s first marriage and his child. In the BB 14 promo, Rakhi cries a river as she opens about these hidden secrets of her not-so-happy married life.
Rakhi Sawant’s shocking confessions have stirred up social media, and now her brother Rakesh Sawant has finally reacted to it. In a conversation with the Times of India, Rakesh shared his ‘utter shock’ over Rakhi’s claims about Ritesh. Rakesh stated that he was also not aware of Ritesh’s first marriage, and is hearing all this for the very first time. He exclaimed that Rakhi’s confessions have left him shocked and speechless. Rakesh further assured that neither he nor his mother had any clue about Ritesh’s marriage and son. He went on to state, “This can’t be true!”
Rakesh shared that he has been busy with his mother’s chemotherapy and will have to watch the entire Bigg Boss 14 episode to understand what Rakhi has revealed. Sharing an update on his mother’s health, Rakesh said that her first chemotherapy done on Tuesday was successful, and she will get discharged by Thursday. However, Rakhi’s mother will have to visit the doctors next week again for another chemotherapy session. Since he is handling his mother’s health, he has is not getting enough time to watch episodes of Bigg Boss 14.
Check out the viral promo of Bigg Boss 14 starring Rakhi Sawant here:Â
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But, Rakesh added that he will definitely talk to his mother about Rakhi’s confessions regarding Ritesh. “I will talk to my mother about this, but as far as I know, she too doesn’t have any idea about this development in Rakhi’s personal life,” Rakesh concluded.