The Bigg Boss 18 grand finale took an unexpected turn when Avinash Mishra had a shocking eviction. The curtains close on Avinash Mishra’s stellar journey as he finishes with an impressive 4th position. A powerhouse of talent and determination, he leaves fans cheering for his unforgettable moments.
Avinash Mishra evicted from the Bigg Boss 18
Known for his calm demeanour and strategic gameplay throughout the season, Avinash surprised both fans and housemates with his performance in the finale and also with his journey vying for the coveted trophy.
The decision came during the high-stakes finale episode when host Salman Khan announced the eviction. After much contemplation, Avinash fans who believed he had a strong chance of winning were disappointed while the others applauded his pragmatic approach.
The finale now intensifies as the remaining contestants Karan Veer Mehra, Vivian Dsena and Rajat Dalal compete for the title, leaving fans eager to see who will be crowned the ultimate winner of Bigg Boss 18.