Tejasswi Prakash got into a tense moment with Salman Khan during the Weekend Ka Vaar episode on Bigg Boss 15. The actress was seen talking to him a bit too casually that was not tolerated by Salman and he called her out for it immediately. Gauahar Khan also took to her social media account and bashed Tejasswi for her ‘badtameezi’ with Salman in the show. The Bigg Boss 7 winner preached how the way of talking can be a dealbreaker.
It was during the recent task when Tejasswi was up against Shamita Shetty. The housemates had to pick who from the two they would go to in difficult times. Umar Riaz came first and chose Tejasswi giving the reason that she is very fun-loving. Salman was a bit confused about how a fun-loving person can get him through ‘mushkil samay’. The host kept trying to explain Umar so that he would come to a logical explanation.
But looks like Tejasswi thought Salman was trying to change Umar’s decision. She told Salman, “Why are you repeating it so many times? He can’t come to me in mushkil samay?” Salman was irked by this tone and said, ” Why are you talking to me like that. It will not work with me madam.”
Gauahar took to her Twitter account and bashing Tejasswi she wrote, “Aapke baat karne ke tareeke se aap jung jeet sakte hain ,,,, aur jeeti hui baazi haar sakte hain .. #TejasswiPrakash cute hona ka matlab badtameezi nahi hoti ! #bb15.”
Aapke baat karne ke tareeke se aap jung jeet sakte hain ,,,, aur jeeti hui baazi haar sakte hain .. #TejasswiPrakash cute hona ka matlab badtameezi nahi hoti ! #bb15
— Gauahar Khan (@GAUAHAR_KHAN) October 31, 2021
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