Bigg Boss OTT has been making waves with the house having contestants like Shamita Shetty, Divya Aggarwal, Raqesh Bapat, Neha Bhasin, Pratik Sehajpal, Nishant Bapat, Moose, Akshara Singh and Milind Gaba. While the fans have been enjoying the show quite a lot with the immense amount of drama, they are still curious about the transition of the show to television which will be hosted by the superstar Salman Khan. Bigg Boss 15 makers have dropped a major hint in the first promo of the show and boy have the table turned this time.
Looks like Bigg Boss 15 contestants will not have the easy road into the lavish house, instead, they will have to survive through a ‘jungle’ before they make it to the main house. In the latest Bigg Boss 15 promo, which has the sultry voice of the legendary actress Rekha, Salman Khan is seen dressed as somewhat of a jungle master as he rocked a khaki jumpsuits uniform.
In the BB15 promo, Rekha, who is heard as the Vishwasuntree (Rekha) is heard telling Salman, “Salman, 15 saal se tha aapka intezaar, ab jaake kai aaya dil ko karaar.” He then says, “I’m very shukr gujar aapka Vishwasuntree, lekin yahi kahin tha Bigg Boss ka ghar joh ke kahi nazar nahi aaraha.” To which Rekha says, “Meri jaan, iss baar ghar waalon ko pehle ye jungle karna hoga paar, tab jaake khulenge Bigg Boss ke dwarr.”Â
Check out the promo below:
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Meanwhile, Bigg Boss OTT is currently airing on the platform Voot which is hosted by filmmaker Karan Johar. Bigg Boss 15 is said to have a whole new format to Bigg Boss OTT and new contestants as well.
Also Read: Bigg Boss 15: Salman Khan begins promo shoot; Bollywood superstar Rekha to be a part of BB