After leaving fans enamoured with the teaser, Sidharth Shukla and Sonia Rathee are here with the trailer of Broken But Beautiful 3. Yes, the trailer of Broken But Beautiful 3 dropped a few hours ago today (May 16). And Agastya and Rumi have yet again set the screens on fire. The BBB 3 trailer gives an insight into Agastya and Rumi’s love-hate relationship.
Sidharth Shukla plays an aspiring director, Agastya Rao, who falls in love with Sonia Rathee aka Rumi Desai. As shown in the teaser, Broken But Beautiful 3 takes you through the journey of Agastya and Rumi’s love turned hate relationship. How they meet, how they fall in love and how they fall out of love, Broken But Beautiful Season 3 revolves around the ‘not so perfect pair,’ Agastya and Rumi.
Agastya and Rumi are both two different people, who belong to different worlds. In fact, they also want different things from each other and life. However, somehow they end up with one another, leading to an apt recipe for heartache. It wouldn’t be wrong to say, the trailer of Broken But Beautiful Season 3 is a roller-coaster, filled with varied emotions. Be it love, hate, obsession, despair, revenge or jealousy, it’s a perfect mix of all human emotions, and in the right balance.
Broken But Beautiful 3 Trailer ft. Sidharth Shukla and Sonia Rathee:Â
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While the storyline seems enthralling, the highlight of the Broken But Beautiful Season 3 is the firey chemistry of Sidharth Shukla and Sonia Rathee. Yes, the two are fire onscreen and look quite compatible. Sonia looks refreshing, but Sidharth is the show-stealer. He is introduced as the ‘angry young man,’ which aptly matches his persona.
The trailer is raw, fresh, relatable and perfectly balanced with all emotions. Sidharth and Sonia’s chemistry is impressive. And the plot leaves you wanting to know more about Agastya and Rumi’s love-hate relationship.