Cubicles Season 2 started streaming on SonyLiv on January 7. Directed by Chaitanya Kumbhakonum, the TVF series stars Abishek Chauhan, Nidhi Bisht, Ayushi Gupta, Badri Chavan, Shivankit Singh Parihar, and Niketan Sharma. The series tells stories of corporate employees who have different aspirations and backgrounds and do the 9-5 job. Cubicles 2 is quite refreshing to watch.
We recently had a telephonic conversation with Niketan Sharma who plays Gambhir AKA Shetty in the series. He spoke about the show, the OTT space and a lot more.
Cubicles 2 has a stellar ensemble cast. When we asked Niketan if he had felt the pressure of standing out from the rest, the actor said, “I didn’t feel the pressure as I have never looked that way. I always focus on my character and the best part is that all the co- actors are very supportive. You feel secured and don’t feel the pressure. They helped me a lot. In fact we helped each other to grow. The director also gave us space to improvise and play with our characters.”
Everybody has this perspective of corporate jobs are boring and all. We asked Niketan if he also had that one perspective that have changed after doing the show, he said, “I think not only me, we all have this perspective that 9-5 job is boring. Even I thought that this kind of job is boring, no fun, how can they stuck in a routine and all. But the producers and writers have created a perspective in the script and I think after reading the script of Cubicles 2, my perspective also changed. Even when you ask a person who works in 9-5 job will say it’s not boring. You won’t see that on the show. So, after this show my perspective has definitely changed.”
He added, “Arunabh (Kumar, founder of TVF) wanted to change the perspective of people that they have about 9-5 job through this show.”
Niketan also said that OTT has been a game changer and there has been a shift. “With OTT, there is a lot of directors, writers, actors, and creative people are coming in and they are getting a chance to perform, write and everything. I know a lot of people who are independently writing and making films and they are coming on OTT. Now, there is nothing like star system as it used to be before. I think star culture is more like a phase. Now, people are also not perceiving it that way. Actors also want to be part of good story and that’s the criteria that OTT platforms are considering these days. Story is the hero and if you are a good actor nobody can stop you,” he concluded.