Indian television is currently booming with reruns of old iconic shows, one of them being ‘Ramayan’, which starred actors Debina Bonnerjee and Gurmeet Choudhary in the lead role as Sita and Ram. Viewers are absolutely loving watching the couple back on screen together in this mythological epic drama, which also was the start to their amazing love story.
Debina and Gurmeet recently spoke to Bollywood Bubble about their lockdown days. Have a look at the candid chat here:
Going down memory lane to some ‘Ramayan’ shooting experiences from back in the days, Debina brings out some absolutely amazing cherish worthy moments which will always be close to her heart!
Speaking about a particular ‘Swayamvar’ scene and how challenging the entire process of shooting it was, Debina shares, “Now that I am properly watching the reruns of ‘Ramayan’, loads of memories are rushing back to my mind. Back in the days, shooting those scenes was definitely difficult, but when I watch them now it just brings a smile to my face to see the wonderful way in which the scenes were actually portrayed. Remembering a particular ‘Swayamvar’ scene which we had shot, which was an extremely challenging one! I was sweating profusely because of which the headgear including the maang tikka was constantly slipping off my head, even after having it fixed every 2 minutes! My whole attire, comprising of all the authentic jewellery was so heavy which barely enabled me to even walk properly! But somehow I got through shooting the entire scene, and when I look back at it now, it just looks beautiful! I guess hard work eventually does pay off.”
Well, we must say their hard work paid off, and that’s why audiences are loving the show even till today.
Also Read: Amidst self-quarantine Debina Bonnerjee goes fully nude; hides her modesty with just a pillow
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