Former ‘Bigg Boss 12’ contestant, Deepak Thakur is currently on ‘Ace Of Space 2’ that is hosted by Vikas Gupta. While performing on the show, Deepak faced an injury and was soon rushed to the hospital. It was during the task Deepak had an injury on his shoulder. It was the weekly task called Bombers and Bomb Squad.
The task was stopped after Deepak’s injury. After being examined by the doctors inside the house, he was taken to the hospital for further treatment. Till now no confirmation has come yet whether he will return on the show or not. It will depend on Deepak’s condition. We will keep you updated on the same.
Recently, Deepak got embroiled in controversy after he supported Bollywood singer Mika Singh who was boycotted and banned in Bollywood after his performance at a wedding in Pakistan. Taking to his Twitter handle, he posted a video where he was seen requesting Cine bodies to lift the ban on Mika. He captioned it as: “Namra Nivedan Ispe sochaa jaaye Baad baaki Om Namah Shivaye.”
Namra Nivedan
Ispe sochaa jaaye ?
Baad baaki Om Namah Shivaye ?— Deepak Thakur (@ItsDeepakThakur) August 19, 2019
Also, recently ‘Ace of Space’ contestant Krissann Barretto had an asthma attack while performing a task on the show.
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